by Kristen | Jun 5, 2018 | Quiz
We’ve all heard it – someone on a TV show or a news interview or some post on Facebook says, “that gun is illegal!”, but is it? Take our quick quiz to test your knowledge on what types of guns are legal vs. illegal!
by Kristen | Apr 30, 2018 | Quiz
Today, many in the U.S. get their information from two main sources – the media, which comes in a variety of forms, and our online community which is primarily made up of “friends” we’ve either lost touch with or have never even met in person. These sources are driving your understanding and use of firearm jargon…
by Kristen Gillett | Apr 30, 2018 | Education
Today, we’ll cover some commonly misused gun jargon or terminology because there are a lot of terms that are misused and confused by everyone in the gun-reform debate. Because let’s face it, we need to talk.
by Kristen Gillett | Apr 25, 2018 | Quiz, Statistics
You might be surprised to learn that many gun-rights advocates are open to gun reform and changes in legislation to prevent misuse of firearms and mass shootings like those that happened in Orlando, Las Vegas, Parkland, and so many others. But, there’s…